Bagged or Bagless Vacuums | Which is Better?
  • September 01, 2020
When you think of a vacuum cleaner, more than likely you’ll think of the bagged vacuum model.  However - and most notably within the commercial cleaning industry - these units were rapidly becoming a costly problem for these businesses.  More than three decades ago, cyclone vacuums made their way onto the market by finding a solution to clogged vacuum bags. The solution lies in the separation of rubbish from the vacuum air - i.e. a cyclone separator. Vacuum cleaners collect and concentrate rubbish from a large area into a small vessel, which includes unwanted microbes such as bacteria, fungus, and germs.

How a Bagged Vacuum Works?

In bagged vacuums, filtration happens when rubbish enters the bag. This means the vacuum air passes through it and collects the rubbish - resulting in a purging smell of decomposing odours created by microbes.  If the bag is partially full and left-over time, the microbes multiply, resulting in more smell, germs and a harder to clean bag.

getting rid of dirty vacuum cleaner bags

How a Bagless Vacuum Works?

With the Advantage vacuum cleaner, the container is made from an antibacterial solid plastic material. In addition, as this is a backpack machine, this plastic makes it easier and lighter to carry than a traditional machine.   When you use the cyclone vacuum, the centrifugal force from the suction separates the dirt from the air, each of which have their own movements through the cyclone tube - 
  • Dirt - moves to the tank walls and falls to the bottom of the sealed bin. 
  • Air - makes its way towards the central vortex to be expelled from the cyclone tube. 
With the rubbish and air separating in an instance, it reduces the smell and air contaminants, while the bin design prevents the re-entry of rubbish into the air stream.


How Vacuum Cleaners Get Clogged?

Cyclone or air bagged vacuums are less prone to clogging up with dust and other debris from your home.  In the Advantage design, the smallest hole size is 0.6mm on the Mesh Filter, which is positioned before the internal cyclones, making it extremely difficult for large particles to enter. However, a bagged vacuum cleaner has microscopic filter pores that clog easily especially with fine dust. While a regular cyclone vacuum filter system does not provide absolute filtration, the Advantage cyclone filtration efficiency is 99.92% - a definite plus for those who suffer from dust allergies too.  A pleated, back-up motor filter is used to reduce emissions to less than 0.008%. This filter is Teflon coated for dust release and is also waterproofed for rinsing. Best of all, the filter can be reused approximately ten times before needing to be replaced. Since cyclone vacuums clog less, they provide a consistent and efficient high airflow which improves and speeds up the overall cleaning experience. 

Difference Between Bag and Bagless Vacuum Cleaners

Sure, their function may be similar but the different between these two types of vacuum cleaners is the upkeep. Without a bag, these units use a combination of the air, suction and the filters to split the particles, making it so convenient to maintain.  The main difference between the two Advantage systems lies in filter maintenance - 
  • Mesh filter -  maintained by a single swipe from a microfibre duster
  • Motor filter - this a reusable filter and can simply be rinsed to clean
Bagged vacuums require vacuuming of the actual filter - which is more difficult. On the other hand, a full filter restoration of these units is almost impossible, without thoroughly washing the bag or taking it for dry cleaning. 

Additional Cost for Bagged Vacuums

For the average commercial cleaner, we estimate the additional cost of replacement bags around $100.00 p.a.  Not to mention the time and effort required to - 
  • Thoroughly clean reusable bags 
  • Re-clean areas that aren’t sufficiently cleaned due to poor suction
  • Air out spaces due to the odour left from full or poor quality bags

Invest in a Clean Space

With the Advantage cyclone vacuum, it's just a matter of quickly replacing the filter when needed and emptying the unit.  If you need assistance in deciding whether bag or bagless vacuums are the way to go, be sure to read through our reviews to help with your decision.  Shop Now
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